The Push-up is a simple exercise anyone can do just about anywhere! And, a properly-executed pushup is WAY more than just a great upper-body exercise.
In this video, we break down level 1 or our 5-level push-up program. This is a great video for those who are either working towards their first floor push-up, or those who are looking to clean up their pushup technique.

Click/Tap the picture above to watch!
If you like this video and are looking for the perfect class to start your strength training journey off right, check out our new beginner class starting next week by clicking here…
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Until Next Time,

Jerry Trubman is a coach, clinician, author, blogger, and powerlifting state champion. With over two decades of lifting experience, he has devoted himself to seeking out better answers, and distilling them into practical programs that produce great results. Jerry has coached “Team Protocol” to 4 National Powerlifting Championships in the 100% Raw federation. He writes the internationally-read blog, “The Healthy Addiction” and lives in Tucson, Arizona with his wife, Marie, and dog, Asher.