Take On A Total-Body Cardio Workout Today With Our Rowing Classes In Tucson
If you’re a seasoned weightlifter or gym rat, you may look down on the rowing machine.
If you’re a beginner, you may think it looks too complicated.
The good news is, it’s perfect for you both.
At The Protocol Strength & Conditioning, our Rowing Classes offer an incredible cardiovascular workout that fills the gaps between your regular strength training and provides total-body results without the impact on your joints that running and biking might bring.
The truth is, Rowing is "The Cardio Of The People." It's great for us all.
So Why Should You Give Rowing A Try?
Let’s start with the heart health. Rowing pushes oxygen through your body like few exercises can. It promotes a healthier flow of blood from your heart to the rest of your body and pushes your bodies VO2max (volume of oxygen) to be at its most efficient and effective levels.
Rowing is also a great way to begin your fitness journey. Each workout can be scaled to your unique skill set and simplicity of the movements keep you from risking injury or overuse.

When you join our Rowing Classes in Tucson, you'll quickly enjoy:
- Improved cardiovascular endurance
- Sustainable fat burn and weight loss
- Targeted core stabilization
- Incredible muscle toning and total-body strength